Comment bien se préparer pour l'été ?

How to prepare well for summer?

Summer 2020, the end of 2 months of confinement.


No more sunbathing on your tiny Parisian balcony, the famous abdo / buttocks sports program in 2 weeks (which you have subscribed to), your new passion in organizing aperitifs at a distance and your Netflix and chips afternoons.

The beautiful days are approaching and, with them, the promise of a hot summer (the hottest ever recorded!), and well deserved😉

This is why, in order to best help you get into this period, the Q.Re Paris team has concocted a little to do list for you, essentials to prepare your skin for the sun:

1 It all starts with hydrationn

To ensure soft and well tanned skin during the summer, it is important to take care of it. Hydration is an easy way to pamper your body. For good hydration, remember to drink at least 1.5L of water a day. You can make small infusions with lemon, red fruits or even mint, for example, to diversify tastes and desires!

Hydration of the skin also involves the application or ingestion of moisturizers for the body. For your topical application, favor a cream or serum without chemicals and with as many natural ingredients as possible. Remember that everything you put on your skin goes into your body! So no chemicals to protect it as much as possible.

As for the interior,our skin care will be the perfect ally to combine your hydration routine thanks to its active ingredients that will deeply rehydrate your skin.

2 Exfoliate your skin and your scalp!!

We can never repeat it enough but the basis of a refined skin texture goes above all through a good exfoliation. In order to get rid of the small dead cells accumulated during the winter, we advise you to exfoliate once or twice a week for optimal results!

The scrub will allow you to keep your tan longer and have very soft skin (promise!).

It's the same for your scalp! A good hair scrub will allow you to accelerate the growth of your hair, to restore their shine and softness! To act from withinour hair care will protect your hair from the root so that it is strong and in perfect health.

They will then be better prepared to receive the rays of the sun! So Convinced? 

3 Have fun yes, but properly 

It's no longer a secret that eating that extra bacon cheeseburger won't be your friend in your quest for flawless skin. We cannot repeat it enough but a healthy diet is the key to healthy skin.

Vitamins, antioxidants and healthy foods will be your watchwords:

  • Want a tanned skin Bet on beta carotene. More simply, everything that is orange (or almost)! Carrot, tomato, melon, apricot vary the pleasures and the healthy glow effect is yours! !
  • A dull complexion Combine foods rich in antioxidants such as red fruits, mango, passion fruit or apple: enough to make a super high-vitamin fruit salad;;

 Finally, always favor local and seasonal products, you won't find anything better, we checked😉

With all these tips you will be ready for the summer, 3,2,1 radiate!

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